25 Feb APEC Chemical Dialogue Industry Pre-Meeting Sets Stage for Renewed Terms of Reference Discussion
The APEC Chemical Dialogue Industry Pre-Meeting (CD IPM) kicked off in Gyeongju, Korea on February 25, 2025, with Mr. Sergio Barrientos of Chile as Industry Co-chair. The meeting’s primary focus was the future of the Chemical Dialogue, with the current terms of reference set to expire at the end of the year. The session aimed to gather insights from various industry stakeholders on how to best prepare for the upcoming Chemical Dialogue plenary on February 26, where the renewal and potential expansion of the terms of reference would be the central topic of discussion.

In a proactive move, the CD industry had already submitted a letter to the APEC Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI) in late 2024, expressing strong support for the continuation and revitalization of the Chemical Dialogue. The letter highlighted the importance of maintaining this public-private partnership in fostering a conducive environment for chemical trade and investment within the APEC region.

Industry representatives from Australia, Chile, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Russian Federation, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, and the United States of America, alongside the APEC Secretariat, actively participated in the discussions. The outcomes of the CD IPM will be instrumental in shaping the dialogue during the plenary on February 26, where representatives from these economies and others will look into the future of the CD.