Verification Program | SPIK | Responsible Care
SPIK expended its functions to include advocating responsible and competitive practices in the manufacture and handling of chemicals.
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Verification Program

The Philippine Chemical Industry

The Chemical Industries Association of the Philippines is known by its local name, the Samahan sa Pilipinas ng mga Industriyang Kimika (SPIK). The association was formed in Manila in 1978 by the leading companies’ top executives who saw the need to strengthen representation in the local and international fora for promoting the chemical industry in particular and the country’s development in general.

Initially established to address concerns and interests that affect and influence the industry, SPIK expended its functions to include advocating responsible and competitive practices in the manufacture and handling of chemicals.

SPIK is managed by an 11-member Board of Directors elected by the organization’s general membership. The Directors elect the officers, namely: President, Vice Presidents (each for Internal and External Affairs), Corporate Secretary and Treasurer. The remaining Directors chair various standing committees. Three Directors who form a Tricord are assigned to manage SPIK’s Responsible Care Program. The Tricord Chairperson also chairs the Responsible Care Council.

SPIK Responsible Care Council (SRCC)

The SPIK Responsible Care Council (SRCC) is composed of the Responsible Care Tricord, 14 Co-Stewards (two for each of the 7 Codes of Management Practices) and Committee Co-chairpersons for the Responsible Council Standing Committees. The RC Council members are from among volunteers RC Coordinators of member companies, upon the recommendation of the SRCC and endorsed by head of the company.

The SRCC monitors the daily business of planning, operating, and controlling the country program. It also assists and monitors individual company programs. Members pay an annual Responsible Care maintenance fee to cover SRCC secretariat and other pertinent expenses.

SPIK Responsible Care Advisory Board

An Advisory Board is organized to sensitize the national program and its member to public concerns, identify opportunity areas for enhanced information dialogue and improved member relations, and provide a wide perspective of various issues related to the chemical industry, its stakeholders and public.

Members of the Advisory Board are invited to serve pro-bono under a frame of reference. The Board may be composed of designees from the following government and private sectors: Department of Environment of Natural Resources (DENR), Department of Health (DOH), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PICHE), Integrated Chemists of the Philippines (ICP), Member of Media, SPIK Responsible Care Council (SRCC) Chairman, SPIK President, and CEO of an RC-Member company.

In addition to the Advisory Board, there are advisors from the ICCA Responsible Care Leadership Group.

Downloadable Forms

Verification Program

Confirmation of Verification

Application for Verifiers

Evaluation Report Applicant Verifier

Report of Verification Findings