27 Jan Promoting Process Safety in the Chemical Industries
The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in cooperation with the Bergische University of Wuppertal (BUW) organized the seminar on Promoting Process Safety in the Chemical Industries last November 03 to 07, 2014 in Wuppertal, Germany. The Course was supported jointly by the Government of Germany and the Technical Secretariat.
The course was designed using the train-the-trainer approach for participants who are in a position and ready to share the gained knowledge and expertise in their home country for the full implementation of the CWC. Participants from the African, South America and Asian region gained the generic skills in order to develop the personal ability and responsibility required for a modern technical safety concept and for a sustainable safety management in the chemical industries.
Through a state of the art Chemical Safety Management, adequate safety and security measures can be implemented in order to safeguard potentially dangerous products and production sites and to prevent their misuse, which pose a local, regional as well as international threat because of the high mobility and close connections between continents of today.
The 5-day training included discussion on the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) program of Germany, concept of Dekra Exam, explosion safety, HAZOP, TNO Effects, risk communication, a visit to Inburex, a laboratory conducting assessment of explosive materials and a simulation to a Festo mini plant and Tanker.