SPIK participates in the Development of Indicative Guidelines on Know Your Customer (KYC) - SPIK
SPIK joins OPCW’s workshop in Kenya to finalize KYC guidelines, enhancing chemical security in the supply chain.
SPIK KYC, OPCW workshop, chemical security, Know Your Customer, KYC guidelines, chemical industry, supply chain security
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SPIK participates in the Development of Indicative Guidelines on Know Your Customer (KYC)

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The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) held a four-day workshop to finalize the Indicative Guidelines on Know Your Customer (KYC) in Nairobi, Kenya last February 18-21, 2025. Sixteen (16) delegates from Germany, Malaysia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Costa Rica, Chile, Croatia, South Africa, United Kingdom, Kenya and the Philippines took part in the activity. RCC member, Engr. Jorence Rocamora, represented the country at the said workshop. 


Mr. Taeeon Kim, Program Officer representing OPCW, together with Mr. Wiliam Munyoki, Head of Kenyan National Authority, jump-started the event with an opening remarks to brief the participants on the workshop’s objective. This served as a guide on the dynamics of the workshop and to enlighten each participant of the purpose, that is to finalize the contents of the KYC guidelines.  The KYC guidelines aim to be a tool in implementing KYC best practices in the chemical supply chain to enhance chemical security.

The workshop held in Kenya was the second part of the development of the KYC guidelines. The first part held last February 27-March 1, 2024 in Colombo, aimed to produce an initial draft of the KYC guidelines, which was later on analyzed by the group of experts from the second workshop. Backed by their expertise, collaboration and teamwork during the workshop, the draft was improved and thoroughly discussed by sections. 


In addition to the workshop, the delegates were able to present and discuss different topics concerning Chemical Security in their respective countries. The needs for customer due diligence in the chemical industry for counterterrorism efforts in Kenya were reported in detail by Altrine Obiero. The needs and challenges of implementing KYC for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) were discussed by Phillip Wedge from South Africa. KYC best practices in multinational chemical industries in Germany, Malaysia, and Brazil were communicated by Joerg Kathenbach, Mahadi Shaik Omar, and Maria dos Santos Souza respectively. 


Furthermore, chemical security in the Asian region and the needs and challenges posed by non-state armed actors were discussed by Nadeem Chughtai from Pakistan and Engr. Jorence Rocamora from the Philippines. Moreover, chemical security in the African region was discussed by Buba Shanu from Nigeria and Geoffrey Otieno from Kenya. Finally, chemical security management in Group of Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC) and the role of Customs was reported by John Vidaurre Díaz from Costa Rica and Constanza Bucarey from Chile.

As the workshop ended, the final draft of the KYC guidelines was completed, which will be later circulated to member state parties for further review and approval.  The training ended with the closing statement from Mr. Kim and certificates were given to each participant.