10 Feb 2016 GHG Reporting
Philippines conducted a consultative meeting with the business sector to engage our participation in the development of the country's GHG Inventory Reporting Program and Registry. ...
Philippines conducted a consultative meeting with the business sector to engage our participation in the development of the country's GHG Inventory Reporting Program and Registry. ...
The TWG on PNP Controlled Chemicals met on January 26, 2016 at the BOI Penthouse for the final presentation of output of the three Sub-TWG; Sub-TWG on Categorization of PNP Controlled Chemicals, Sub-TWG on Streamlining of Procedures and Requirements and Sub-TWG on Accreditation of 3rd Party Logistics Providers and Company-owned...
SPIK was invited to the inter-agency meeting convened by the Dangerous Drugs Board to discuss the Board Regulation No.1, Series of 2014....
The Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) conducted the Stakeholder’s Meeting on Lead Paints: Implementation of CCO for Lead last December 07, 2015 at the DENR- EMB Compound, Visayas Avenue....
The APRCC is held every two years and serves as a platform for the sharing of best practices on environmental, health, and safety (EHS) performances under the Responsible Care® initiatives in the Asia Pacific region....
In anticipation of the strict implementation of the Global Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling (GHS) by the Environmental Management Bureau of the DENR per DAO AO 2015-09, SPIK went to the office of Ms. Emmanuelita Mendoza, who is currently the OIC Chief – Chemical Management Section, last October 20,...
Rules and Procedures for the Implementation of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labeling of Chemical in Preparation of safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Labeling Requirements of Toxic Chemical Substances’ including its Guidance Manual....
The meeting aims to provide an effective platform for interaction between National Authorities and the Chemical Industry within a State as well as across States Parties....
This project aims to provide a comprehensive tracking system and emergency response for chemicals being transported in their country....
Process Safety code of Responsible Care® is designed to prevent fires, explosions an accidental chemical releases. ...